Literally knocks the breath out of me. Literally. im chokin a lil, but
Me :3
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Literally knocks the breath out of me. Literally. im chokin a lil, but
Me :3
Too goddamn fast. Nice pics, but couldnt see a motherfuckin thing
Epic Game
Nice comeback MLS! Its purteh! And fun! 10!!!1!!
Great Rpg!
However, the only concerns i have with this game are the audio glitchings and over-powered bosses. On the fifth boss, when i face them their audio is the same as the Toad Brothers, except cut off to the end. On the main menu, when you cut the music volume all the way down, one part of the song will still sound, and quite loudly. On to the bosses. Some bosses are over-powered, like the fifth boss ( the female mage with a huge warrior ) because of their abnormal moves. Every time I try to beat them, I attack the mage first. She spams her speed and heal spell so they will be able to quickly get their special moves and get my health down. When I finally defeat the mage, the warrior gets strengthened and gets so powerful he can kill you in 3 turns. He also gets his Mortal Strike extremely quickly, which easily kills off my characters. He repeats this process until I am out of all my items and I am dead. Maybe I just have a bad character combination, Warrior with Shaman. Anyways, please respond to this review or PM me back. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for the feedback and Backup!
I will be sending you a pm with the righ tactic.. but if you look closely at the fat elf you will notice whats the attack pattern that he follows!
Hernan Lopez
Epic LLama Warchief
T_T poor kitties *kawaii*
Great game though! Creative gameplay, upgrades, medals, and humor make this game superb and worth playing. Great game!
~LolCatHazCheezBurgar :3
Awesome! :3
Love how the beginning loops and slowly gets more intense, just epicly badass :3 wonderful song, some errors, but this song should have a MUCH higher rating. 5/5, 9/10 ( for some errors)
> 9 years late response
Hey, thank you for the nice words! I've gotten to a point where there's mistakes thankfully, ha. Cheers
>3< kawaii
Sexy. This cat likez. Beautiful. Just Beautiful. I actually had a dream about this girl last night *nosebleed*. And I love how you added the collar and tail ^_^
Great work!
~LolCatHazCheezBurgar :3
Great body, huge scythe/winchester weapon, and shes sexy. Good job SirCannabisClock. I just kinda think it should be for teens.
perhaps cause of her attire yes.
But consider the fact that being this is newgrounds, that would only attract more people under the age of 18.
Looks like im gonna have to bathe you in glory by telling my friends and making this my wallpaper -_- . But seriously, this is BADASS. Just speechless. I dont usually post nooby reviews like this, but THIS makes Tom Fulp PROUD. Keep up the sick art skills
Sincerely, Akthreatt
Didnt make Tommy boy too pround! He flushed it down the toilet for the contest :) Guess they dont like too many pile ups- Only one can win and they picked a dif. one. Its all good though- Thanks for the kind words. Ill have to re-think my strategy for next years contest-
Wtf is a blurb.
A Skool ^_^
Joined on 7/16/10